Lucinda Clutterbuck’s Works
Black Lux by Lucinda Clutterbuck, Lucky Lartey and Shane Rozario 2021
Excerpt from ‘Wolf’, a 35mm animation directed by Lucinda Clutterbuck for 13 x 5 minutes ABC series ‘The Web’ about endangered animal species.
Excerpt from ‘Rattlesnake’, a 35mm animation directed by Lucinda Clutterbuck for 13 x 5 minutes ABC series ‘The Web’ about endangered animal species.
Excerpt from ‘Panda’, a 35mm animation directed by Lucinda Clutterbuck for 13 x 5 minutes ABC series ‘The Web’ about endangered animal species.
‘Amour Farouche et Air Vide’ by Loene Carmen, music video created by Lucinda Clutterbuck
Dog Trumpet: Strangers Like You, artwork and soft sculptures by Lewis Argall, produced by Lusinda Clutterbuck.
115BPM by Flotsam Jetsam, directed by Lucinda Clutterbuck 1984
Machinations: Pressure Sway 1983, animations by Lucinda Clutterbuck